Saturday, December 20, 2008

Food for Thoughts ( compliments of dp)

Assuming one day you're diagnosed with cancer. You're stricken with fear and fatalism. Your optimistic doctor schedules you chemotherapy and surgery for the next coming weeks.

You go home and pray for god to heal you.

Next couple months roll about and low and behold, your tumor is gone and you were miraculously healed of the cancer.

Now was it medical science, your own immune system, or god that healed you?

Coincidentally there is a level of ambiguity to every miracle. There's usually a logical reason within our physical reality of why miracles happen, not just god.

A situation where only god could have taken action is if god healed amputees.

Science can't do that, only the infallible power of god could regenerate bone and tissue. Which he doesn't.

So there's your irrefutable evidence that god is superstition and Judaism, Christianity, and Islam might just be for shits and giggles.

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Tracy, CA, United States
My thoughts are poured onto these pages

