Saturday, March 7, 2009

Questioning of faith....

1. If we are created in God's image and are a reflection of him then that would suggest that he is a reflection of us as well. Does that mean he shares the same flaws as us? The bible showcases several examples of him showing such emotion as avarice, wrath, vengeance, jealousy, envy etc. I.e. Flooding the earth, spreading plague, killing the first born of families and so on. If God is in fact infallible and all knowing wouldn't he not share our flaws of emotion that drive us to do unethical things? The Alpha and Omega should show more integrity then that.

2. Noah built an ark, with the help of a few family and friends. This ark allegedly held not just EVERY SPECIES ON THE PLANET but TWO OF EVERY SPECIES ON THE PLANET. This includes but is not limited to giraffes, antelopes, garden snakes, chinchillas, komodo dragons, platypi, lions, tigers, polar bears, sloths, spider monkeys and so on. Not only is that inconceivable but it would be a slaughterhouse. Not only would the ark need to be larger than the Titanic but it would have to withstand a worldwide flood. The lions would be eating the antelopes, the elephants would trample everything, the rhinoceri would demolish the wooden cubbies they were assigned. Noah would be one of the first to die.

3. If we are blessed with free will how is our lives predestined? How can God know all of what is to come if we have free will? The concept of God suggest that we are merely puppets in his malicious play.

maybe more....

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Tracy, CA, United States
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